As a seller, how and when do I get paid?

Updated January 31, 2024

As a seller on techfare, you can expect to receive your payment promptly. Here's how the payment process works:

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As a seller, how and when do I get paid?

As a seller on techfare, you can expect to receive your payment promptly. Here's how the payment process works:

  1. Shipping Your Device: After successfully selling your device on techfare, you'll be provided with a shipping label. Follow the shipping guidelines to send your device to us promptly.
  2. Device Inspection: Upon receiving your device, our team will inspect it to ensure it matches the description provided in your listing. We'll also check for any signs of damage or discrepancies.
  3. Payment Processing: Once we receive and inspect your device, we will process your payment within the same business day. We understand the importance of timely payments, and our goal is to ensure you receive your funds promptly.
  4. Payment Method: Payments are made exclusively through PayPal. When you sell your device, please ensure you have provided your PayPal information correctly as this is the method we use for payments.

At techfare, we value our sellers and aim to provide a transparent and efficient payment process to make your selling experience as smooth as possible.